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The WATER27 subset - Results for rPW86PBE

All results were obtained with the aug-def2-QZVP basis set.
For each data point of the subset, the actual result in Eh and the
deviation from the reference value (Res. - Ref.; in kcal/mol) are given.
At the end of the table, mean (MD), mean absolute (MAD) and root mean square (RMSD) deviations are shown.
The results were published in: Goerigk, L.; Grimme, S. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, DOI: 10.1039/C0CP02984J.

# Result Res. - Ref. Result Res. - Ref.
1 5.05 0.0427 5.54 0.5339
2 15.91 0.1137 17.45 1.6464
3 28.41 1.0097 30.91 3.5137
4 37.38 1.4829 40.46 4.5579
5 45.74 -0.2560 51.95 5.9472
6 45.91 0.1097 51.78 5.9785
7 46.51 1.2140 51.21 5.9092
8 46.06 1.7556 49.60 5.3006
9 73.03 0.4251 82.33 9.7328
10 72.97 0.3709 82.27 9.6747
11 202.09 1.9850 224.59 24.4938
12 203.06 -9.5361 233.98 21.3752
13 204.37 -10.6256 233.89 18.8940
14 207.37 -10.5253 235.91 18.0150
15 35.64 2.1418 36.22 2.7187
16 59.04 2.1381 60.25 3.3535
17 78.39 1.8948 80.32 3.8225
18 119.03 1.2298 125.53 7.7340
19 116.86 1.9556 121.51 6.6075
20 28.17 1.5662 28.52 1.9229
21 50.18 1.7832 51.07 2.6715
22 68.90 1.3038 70.80 3.1995
23 83.76 -1.0431 87.84 3.0351
24 85.18 0.3798 89.85 5.0495
25 99.78 -0.9164 106.39 5.6872
26 114.87 -0.8321 123.09 7.3880
27 22.36 -6.1373 24.30 -4.2036
MD -0.63 6.84
MAD 2.32 7.15
RMSD 3.81 9.42