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The RSE43 subset - Results for MP2

All results were obtained with the def2-TZVPP and def2-QZVP basis sets and extrapolated to the CBS limit.
For each data point of the subset, the actual result in Eh and the
deviation from the reference value (Res. - Ref.; in kcal/mol) are given.
At the end of the table, mean (MD), mean absolute (MAD) and root mean square (RMSD) deviations are shown.
The results were published in: Goerigk, L.; Grimme, S. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, DOI: 10.1039/C0CP02984J.

# Result Res. - Ref.
1 9.37 24.5681
2 29.68 27.7782
3 13.17 6.3715
4 0.61 -6.3864
5 0.64 0.5351
6 1.85 0.4523
7 -1.87 1.3340
8 -1.11 0.1862
9 -1.40 0.3985
10 -11.55 5.9486
11 -0.47 9.5320
12 2.48 11.0782
13 -4.59 1.7068
14 -4.82 1.4828
15 -4.16 2.4362
16 -3.86 2.5427
17 -2.48 0.5183
18 -3.50 0.3988
19 -12.05 -0.0501
20 4.83 0.1305
21 -12.49 0.1089
22 -10.09 1.0062
23 -7.76 0.8366
24 -12.33 0.4687
25 -1.79 1.5116
26 -3.17 0.7341
27 -2.35 0.3530
28 -5.35 0.5459
29 -5.54 0.6565
30 -4.00 0.2022
31 1.20 0.5015
32 -10.12 0.6760
33 -7.39 1.0078
34 2.94 0.2429
35 -8.94 0.4593
36 0.88 0.8826
37 -1.87 1.0269
38 -13.74 8.7593
39 -24.43 -0.3342
40 -25.73 -0.3344
41 -3.47 9.6297
42 -5.20 1.2016
43 -1.58 0.7249
MD 2.83
MAD 3.16
RMSD 6.66