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W4-08 and W4-08woMR reference data

Taken from Karton, A.; Tarnopolsky, A.; Lamere, J. F.; Schatz, G. C.; Martin, J. M. L. J. Phys. Chem. A 2008, 112, 12868-12886.
(W4 values); all values are in kcal/mol.
All 99 entries are part of the W4-08 subset. The 16 entries marked with an asterisk (*) are not part of the W4-08woMR subset.

For each reaction, the relevant systems' names, the stoichiometry and the reference value are given.
The systems' names refer to the geometry files.
Negative values in the stoichiometry columns refer to reactants, positive values to products.
Example for reaction 1: 6 x (Total Energy of "h") + 2 x (Total Energy of "b") - 1 x (Total Energy of "b2h6") + 1 x (Total Energy of "n2") = 607.02

# Systems Stoichiometry Ref.
1h b b2h6 6 2-1 607.02
2h b f bf2h 1 1 2 -1410.97
3f b bf3 3 1-1 470.97
4h c c2h6 6 2-1 713.08
5h c n h2cn 2 1 1 -1343.75
6c n nccn 2 2-1 502.04
7h c n ch2nh2 4 1 1 -1482.28
8h c n ch3nh 4 1 1 -1474.63
9h c n ch3nh2 5 1 1 -1582.30
10f c cf2 2 1-1 258.78
11h n n2h 1 2-1 224.86
12h n n2h2 2 2-1 296.53
13h n n2h4 4 2-1 438.28
14*f o fo2 1 2-1 134.72
15*f o foof 2 2-1 152.37
16f al alf3 3 1-1 430.97
17h si si2h6 6 2-1 535.89
18p p4 4-1 290.58
19s o so2 1 2-1 260.62
20s o so3 1 3-1 346.94
21o c s ocs 1 1 1 -1335.75
22c s cs2 1 2-1 280.78
23o s s2o 1 2-1 208.78
24*s s3 3-1 168.36
25*s s4 4-1 234.35
26be cl becl2 1 2-1 225.27
27c cl ccl2 1 2-1 177.36
28al cl alcl3 1 3-1 312.65
29cl c n clcn 1 1 1 -1285.45
30*o cl oclo 2 1-1 128.12
31*o cl cloo 2 1-1 126.39
32*o cl cl2o 1 2-1 101.46
33h h2 2-1 109.49
34h o oh 1 1-1 107.21
35h f hf 1 1-1 141.64
36h o h2o 2 1-1 232.97
37h c ch 1 1-1 84.22
38h c ch2 2 1-1 190.74
39h c ch3 3 1-1 307.87
40h c ch4 4 1-1 420.42
41h c c2h 1 2-1 266.16
42h c c2h2 2 2-1 405.52
43h n nh3 3 1-1 298.02
44*c c2 2-1 147.02
45n n2 2-1 228.48
46c o co 1 1-1 259.73
47c n cn 1 1-1 181.35
48o n no 1 1-1 152.75
49o o2 2-1 120.82
50*o f of 1 1-1 53.08
51*f f2 2-1 39.04
52h p ph3 3 1-1 242.27
53h s hs 1 1-1 87.73
54h s h2s 2 1-1 183.91
55h cl hcl 1 1-1 107.50
56s o so 1 1-1 126.47
57cl o clo 1 1-1 65.45
58cl f clf 1 1-1 62.80
59p p2 2-1 117.59
60s s2 2-1 104.25
61cl cl2 2-1 59.75
62*be be2 2-1 2.67
63*b b2 2-1 67.46
64h b bh 1 1-1 84.99
65h b bh3 3 1-1 281.29
66*n b bn_S 1 1-1 105.24
67f b bf 1 1-1 182.52
68n h nh 1 1-1 83.10
69n h nh2 1 2-1 182.59
70h c n hcn 1 1 1 -1313.42
71h o f hof 1 1 1 -1158.65
72h al alh 1 1-1 73.57
73h al alh3 3 1-1 213.17
74f al alf 1 1-1 163.78
75cl al alcl 1 1-1 122.62
76h si sih 1 1-1 73.92
77h si sih4 4 1-1 324.95
78o si sio 1 1-1 193.05
79f si sif 1 1-1 142.71
80c s cs 1 1-1 172.22
81*n b bn_T 1 1-1 105.82
82c f cf 1 1-1 132.72
83be f bef2 1 2-1 309.10
84h c ch2c 2 2-1 359.93
85h c ch2ch 3 2-1 446.08
86h c c2h4 4 2-1 564.10
87h c n ch2nh 3 11 -1 439.44
88h c o hco 1 11 -1 279.42
89h c o ch2o 2 11 -1 374.66
90c o co2 1 2-1 390.14
91h n o hno 1 11 -1 205.89
92n o no2 1 2-1 227.88
93n o n2o 2 1-1 270.85
94*o o3 3-1 147.43
95h o hoo 1 2-1 175.53
96h o h2o2 2 2-1 269.09
97*f o f2o 2 1-1 93.78
98h o cl hocl 1 1 1 -1166.23
99h s ssh 1 2-1 165.13