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The G2RC subset - Results for oTPSS

All results were obtained with the def2-QZVP basis set.
For each data point of the subset, the actual result in Eh and the
deviation from the reference value ("Res. - Ref."; in kcal/mol) are given.
At the end of the table, mean (MD), mean absolute (MAD), root mean square (RMSD),
maximum (max) and minimum (min) deviations are shown.
The results were published in: Goerigk, L.; Grimme, S. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2010, 6, 107-126.

# Result Res. - Ref. Result Res. - Ref.
1 -4.82 -3.8619 -3.11 -2.1469
2 3.89 5.9178 3.62 5.6498
3 -0.65 1.8964 0.10 2.6454
4 -4.41 -0.5280 -3.82 0.0650
5 -17.49 -10.4822 -17.51 -10.5022
6 -9.06 0.8990 -9.19 0.7720
7 -20.01 0.1196 -21.50 -1.3674
8 -27.41 -2.0379 -27.96 -2.5909
9 -27.75 -1.3314 -27.75 -1.3284
10 -28.46 -1.6057 -28.66 -1.8147
11 -12.20 14.1323 -11.68 14.6543
12 -26.78 2.4480 -27.35 1.8790
13 -29.91 2.8220 -31.82 0.9110
14 -38.27 -4.3635 -39.24 -5.3315
15 -41.39 -2.5178 -41.51 -2.6448
16 -48.35 -1.2730 -48.47 -1.3930
17 -47.51 0.9115 -48.00 0.4235
18 -58.58 1.8857 -58.66 1.8087
19 -66.13 -1.3540 -66.45 -1.6670
20 -63.33 5.3889 -63.30 5.4199
21 -66.96 13.7780 -66.95 13.7950
22 -111.05 -1.9930 -112.32 -3.2620
23 -133.17 1.1187 -133.17 1.1187
24 -146.90 4.6707 -149.59 1.9797
25 -212.09 0.6089 -211.24 1.4589
MD 1.01 0.74
MAD 3.52 3.47
RMSD 5.16 5.17
max 14.13 14.65
min -10.48 -10.50