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ACONF reference data

Taken from Gruzman, D.; Karton, A.; Martin J. M. L. J. Phys. Chem. A 2009, 113, 11974-11983.
(W1hval reference values); all values are in kcal/mol.

For each reaction, the relevant systems' names, the stoichiometry and the reference value are given.
The systems' names refer to the geometry files.
Negative values in the stoichiometry columns refer to reactants, positive values to products.
Example for reaction 1: -1 x (Total Energy of "B_T") + 1 x (Total Energy of "B_G") = 0.598

# Systems Stoichiometry Ref.
1 B_T B_G -1 1 0.598
2 P_TT P_TG -1 1 0.614
3 P_TT P_GG -1 1 0.961
4 P_TT P_GX -1 1 2.813
5 H_ttt H_gtt -1 1 0.595
6 H_ttt H_tgt -1 1 0.604
7 H_ttt H_tgg -1 1 0.934
8 H_ttt H_gtg -1 1 1.178
9 H_ttt H_g+t+g- -1 1 1.302
10 H_ttt H_ggg -1 1 1.250
11 H_ttt H_g+x-t+ -1 1 2.632
12 H_ttt H_t+g+x- -1 1 2.740
13 H_ttt H_g+x-g- -1 1 3.283
14 H_ttt H_x+g-g- -1 1 3.083
15 H_ttt H_x+g-x+ -1 1 4.925